

limipa ceremony …… $111.00

(60 mins)

limipa ceremony with energy balancing session ..… $155.00

(90 mins)

What is a Limpia?

Limpia is the Spanish word for clean or cleanse. Think of a limpia as taking care of your Spiritual Hygiene.

Limpias/spiritual cleansings are a ritual practice used in ancient indigenous cultures and traditional healing ways in Mexico & Latin America.

Limpias are performed using a combination of fresh plants, flowers, sacred smoke, instruments, prayers, and intention.

Limpias help to remove heavy, unwanted energies, and call in balance and clarity. Limpias cleanse emotional and spiritual imbalances, or shock and trauma to support the spirit and emotional body.

It is a beautiful ceremony that helps one release emotions in a safe space with the support of plant guides and spirit.

About the Ceremony

Before every session, I begin with a 'heart to heart’ talk over a cup of tea.  This time allows you to share what’s on your heart and the intention for your visit. My spirits and intuition guide me towards what plants and elements to use in your limpia and will vary from person to person. You will receive a spiritual cleansing followed by a blessing of sacred waters to invoke protection, peace & sweetness into your life.

Add-on an Energy Balancing Session

You can choose to add an Energy-balancing session to your limpia allowing you to explore the depths of your inner realm and build a connection with your higher self, the plant world, and spirit.

In this deeply relaxing session, I channel the flow of universal energy and the spirit of the plants to assist in stress reduction, lucid insights, and supporting both physical and emotional healing. Throughout the session, you might experience tangible physical sensations, witness vibrant colors or visuals, access profound insights, and vividly recall thoughts and memories.